Registration consists of 3 parts.
Download the documents applicable to you from each of the three sections and print them off or print them right from
the browsers window. Once you get them filled out send them to:
Toronto Kart Club
320 Newkirk Road
Richmond Hill On.,
L4C 3G7
If you have any questions go ahead and email us at and we'll be happy to help !
For rookie, new TKC drivers and drivers over the age of 50
For returning members under the age of 50.
To keep things fair. Almost every club uses a particular tire for all the competitors. We call
this a (spec.) tire.
The tire we use is made by Vega and refered to as Vega Blues.
The sizes are as follows.
Front 4.50 / 10-5
Rear 6.00 / 11-5
Note: As 2014 marks a change of tire make TKC club memebers will be allowed to use MG Red series tires for this season.
Rookie drivers with their karts marked with an 'X' may use any brand of used tire.
Once in a while it rains but we race anyway. For these occasions we have rain tires. This is our spec. tire for rain.
Vega or MG tires type with size.
Front 4.20 / 10-5
Rear 6.00 / 11-5
From time to time we do make some exceptions for rain tires, contact us regarding specific details.
We require our competitors to purchase their racing gas from a designated gas station. Your fuel may be tested during the day and compared to a sample from the designated gas station. This is to prevent people from using unauthorized additives in the fuel. The gas station for each race can be found on our home page listed next to the current event.
All TKC members are required to have a copy of the current seasons RuleBook, and present the RuleBook at registration
for each event. Complete RuleBooks may be purchased from the Club, or members may print their own books by downloading and printing all of the sections shown below.
RuleBooks from previous years will not be accepted.
Classes are divided into groups based on age and engine type. Each class has a minimum weight requirement.
Here is a list of the classes and weights Class and Weight Rules
Championship Points
Championship points are awarded each race to determine the season champion in each class.
You can see the point structure here Points Finishing Chart and Awards
These are the rules that you must bring to each race. Print them off and keep them in a binder, you'll be asked for them when you sign in on race day.
Technical Inspection
On race day all competitors are required to submit a technical evaluation form which confirms that key safety equipment has been
checked and complies with the rules. Download and print off this form and bring one to every race.
Pre-Race Technical & Safety Inspection Form
This is some extra reading for you. Gear ratios play an important part in going fast so here is a primer to get you started.
In case you were wondering about the awards, you can also read how we do that.
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